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Deleuze, G. (1989) Cinema 2: the time-image. new ed. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
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Freeman, M. (1995) Rewriting the self: history, memory, narrative. 2nd ed. London: Routledge.
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Harry, M. & Alastair, B. eds. (2005) OULIPO compendium. 2nd ed. London: Atlas Press.
Manovich, L. (2001) The language of new media. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
Marks, L. (2000) The skin of the film: intercultural cinema, embodiment, and the senses. Durham and London: Duke University Press.
Michael, F. / D-Fuse ed. (2006) VJ audio-visual art + vj culture. London: Laurence King Publishing Ltd.
Murray, J. (1997) Hamlet on the holodeck: the future of narrative in cyberspace. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
Muray, J. (2003) Inventing the medium. In: Noah, W. & Nick, M. eds. The new media reader, a user’s manual. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
Paul, C. (2008) Digital Art. 2nd ed. London: Thames & Hudson Ltd.
Sherry, T. ed. (2007) Evocative objects: things we think with. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
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Winnicott, D. (1971) Playing and reality. new ed. London: Routledge.


Burroughs, B. (2005) The electronic revolution. [Internet] new ed. s.l.: ubuclassics. Available at: [Accessed 27 November 2010].
Foucault, M. (1973) The order of things: an archaeology of the human sciences. [Internet]. new.ed. London: Routledge. Available at:!download|977tl4|422300543|nko-the_order_of_things.pdf|1299 [Accessed 29 November 2010]
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Manovich, L. (2005) Deep remixability. [Internet]. Leiden: Webster University. Available at: [Accessed 27 November 2010].

Exhibition Catalogues

Bois, Y. & Krauss, R. (1999) Formless: a user’s guide. 2nd ed. New York: Zone Books.
Hannes, L., Christine, S. & Gerfried, S. eds. (2010) CyberArts 2010: international compendium – Prix Ars Electronica. Germany: Hatje Cantz Verlag.

Hannes, L., Christine, S. & Gerfried, S. eds. (2010) CyberArts 2010: international compendium – Prix Ars Electronica. [DVD]. Germany: Prix Ars Electronica and Hatje Cantz Verlag.
D-Fuse (2004) D-Tonate_00. [DVD]. London: Onedotzero.
Manovich, L. & Kratky, A. (2005) Soft cinema: navigating the database. [DVD]. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
Michael, F. / D-Fuse ed. (2006) VJ audio-visual art + vj culture. [DVD]. London: Laurence King Publishing Ltd.
The Light Surgeons (2006) Domestic Archaeology. [DVD]. Arts Council England.
The Light Surgeons (2002) Lost leader: a collection of work by The Light Surgeons. [DVD]. Tokyo: DesignExchange Co., Ltd.
Works of Art Seen in Museums/Art Galleries
Cesarco, A. Present memory. (2010), digital video projection, London: Tate Modern.
Graves, A. & Madoc-Jones, D. London Futures. (2010), digitally transformed images, London: Museum of London.
The Light Surgeons. LDN24. (2009), high-definition filmwork with a kaleidoscopic LED display, London: Museum of London.

World Wide Web

Cesarco, A. (2010) Present memory. [Internet]. London: Tate Modern. Available from:  [Accessed 29 November 2010].
Craig-Martin, M. (1973) An oak tree. [Internet]. London: Tate Collection. Available from:  [Accessed 29 November 2010].
Legrady, G. (2001) Pockets full of memory. [Internet]. Rotterdam: DEAF03 Exhibition. Available from:  [Accessed 29 November 2010].
Lemon. Hollis Frampton official website. (1969) [Internet]. Available from:  [Accessed 29 November 2010]. 
Sutton, K. (2009) Cult of less. [Internet]. Available from: <> [Accessed 29 November 2010].


Craig-Martin, M. (2008) Meet the Artist: Michael Craig-Martin looks back at some of his key works. [Internet]. Bloomberg TateShots. Available from:  [Accessed 29 November 2010].
Duchamp, M. (1963) Jeu d’échecs. [Internet]. ubuweb. Available from:  [Accessed 29 November 2010].

Images Bibliography:

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