Wednesday 29 December 2010

notes from "meta/data" by Mark Amerika

"The body is an image-making machine.
It filters information.
It creates dreams, memories, and spontaneous situations made out of images.
The images are created in the body as they respond to images outside the body.
The images change as the body moves.
These movement-images resonate with dreams, memories, and spontaneous situations made out of images.
This means that spontaneous situations made out of images can be dreams or active memories and vice-versa.
For the VJ-Hacktivist who inmixes the real with the unreal, a live performance can be experienced as the memory of a dream composed of spontaneous situations made out of images.
Writing out the intuitive phrasing of an image écriture that always drifts in its revolutionary aimlessness, the philosophical scribe becomes a VJ Artist
The VJ Artist is a metafictionally charged philosophical scribe that uses subject plug-ins to manipulate image-information and in doing so doing begins the process of a myth-making oftentimes in a narrative context even when the so-called narrative itself is an antinarrative that works against conventional storytelling and standard rhetorical spin-control. P.13

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